Panchanga (horoscope for today) 09/01/2024


1. Yoga Parigha until 15:18, then Shiva

Yoga Parigha is associated with obstacles that may cause delays but also provide opportunities for learning and development. This is a time for caution and patience, and it is important to direct your efforts towards achieving long-term goals. After 15:18, Yoga Shiva begins, which favors good deeds, interactions with others, and seeking spiritual advice. This is a favorable time for preaching, spiritual practices, and helping others.

2. Varana (Vara) Ravivara. Sunday

Sunday, governed by the Sun (Surya), is a favorable day for visiting temples, places of worship, and spending time outdoors. It is a day of joy, purity, and inner balance. Perform the Surya Namaskar sequence to recharge your energy for the whole day. This day supports planning for the upcoming week, self-analysis, and reflection. It is especially important to pay attention to your father, visit him, or remember him. Avoid indulging in weaknesses and excessive ambitions.

3. Nakshatra Ashlesha until 19:18, then Magha

Nakshatra Ashlesha, which lasts until 19:18, is associated with cunning, caution, and intuition. It favors strict measures, work with poisons, legal matters, and metallurgy. This period is unfavorable for starting new ventures and good deeds. After 19:18, Nakshatra Magha begins, which is associated with power, authority, and support of traditions. It is a favorable time for ceremonies, studying genealogy, and seeking advice or assistance from influential people.

4. Tithi Krishna Chaturdashi (14th day of the waning Moon)

Krishna Chaturdashi is a day that symbolizes the destruction of the old and transformation. It is a favorable time for cleansing, letting go of the unnecessary, meditation, and spiritual practices. The day is also suitable for surgeries and strict actions aimed at restoring balance. Avoid material activities, travel, and new beginnings.

5. Karana Vishti until 13:58, then Shakuna

Karana Vishti until 13:58 is associated with destructive energy, and it is better to dedicate this time to spiritual practices and calm activities. After 13:58, Karana Shakuna begins, which is favorable for healing, strengthening health, and purification. Use this time for taking medicinal herbs, fasting, and cleansing procedures.

Advice for the day:

Favorable actions: Use the first half of the day for cleansing and spiritual practices, and after 13:58, focus on health and harmonizing your space. Pay attention to your family and loved ones, especially your father.

Things to avoid: Avoid new beginnings, material activities, and conflicts. Be careful with your words and do not provoke those around you.

Recommendations: The day is favorable for spiritual development, cleansing, and meditation. Perform Surya Namaskar, develop wisdom and intuition. Seek advice and support from influential people.

Have a great day!

Om Tat Sat.

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