4th house of the horoscope

One of the most important houses in the natal chart affecting the quality of life of a person is the 4th house in Jyotish. It symbolizes the mother and the relationship with her, gives a characteristic of a person’s childhood life, describes the peculiarities of the formation of his inner world under the influence of his mother and her system of values/behavior.

If you decide to make a natal chart online to find out whether its owner can be happy or not, be sure to study the 4th house in detail. In addition to everything related to mom, he will reveal the secrets of a person’s inner world and tell about the mental organization and emotional background of a person. Education, the place of its acquisition is also in the 4th house.


  • mother, relationship with her;
  • native country;
  • Earth;
  • Agriculture;
  • real estate;
  • cars;
  • a sense of security and care;
  • emotional state/essence;
  • the ability to relax and rest;
  • mental health;
  • Nervous System;
  • happiness;
  • education;
  • heart, chest, arteries, lungs.

The main nuances:

  • carriers of the properties of the 4th house (karakas) are Mars, Moon, Saturn, Venus, Mercury;
  • the patron in the abstract horoscope is Cancer;
  • the most favorable fact for the 4th house will be the presence of a good Moon in it – a person will be able to bring harmony and warmth of the hearth into his house;
  • favorable combinations with houses responsible for finance/career indicate a high probability of having real estate and a car.


It is necessary to consider the meaning of the 4th house in Jyotish from several positions. The first thing that most attracts attention when looking at the natal chart is the presence of any planets in the house. Next, the analysis of the zodiac sign, the location of the owner of the house and various astrological rules for deciphering the natal chart are added to the characteristics.

Examples of connections of the owner of the 4th house with the owners of other houses and their meanings:

  • the joint placement of the owners of the 4th and 1st houses in an auspicious house indicate good real estate and a car, an educated person in excellent relations with his mother and parental family;
  • the owner of the 12th house is located in the 4th house – the probability of receiving an education in another country;
  • if the owners of the 5th and 9th houses are located in the 4th house, a person has the ability to learn, easy to perceive new information and can excel in all subjects;
  • when the owner of the 8th house is located in the 4th house, there is a possibility of family disorder, strained relations with the mother or her absence, the need to move to another country.

A small but important conclusion: in order to harmonize the 4th house, which provides an excellent opportunity to establish an emotional background, fill yourself and your family with well-being, as well as improve the financial situation for the better, you need to establish a relationship with your mother, take care of her, forgive mistakes and to wish good with words or through prayers, which the universe will surely hear.

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