Panchanga (horoscope for today) 08/31/2024


1. Yoga Variyana until 15:06, then Parigha

Yoga Variyana symbolizes the best and promotes success in matters of inheritance, material gain, and gratitude. This is a time for moderation and humility, as well as for resolving issues related to inheritance and finances. After 15:06, Yoga Parigha begins, which may create obstacles but also offers opportunities to overcome difficulties through perseverance and patience. Use this time for planning long-term projects and directing efforts towards your family’s prosperity.

2. Varana (Vara) Shaniwara. Saturday

Saturday, governed by Saturn (Shani), is an auspicious day for reflection, self-reflection, and spiritual growth. It is a time for yoga, meditation, fasting, and cleansing of the mind and body. It is recommended to spend the day in peace, helping the elderly, and avoiding the start of new ventures. Be careful with your words as they can easily hurt others. Avoid arguments and conflicts.

3. Nakshatra Pushya until 17:09, then Ashlesha

Nakshatra Pushya until 17:09 promotes prosperity, success, and growth. This is a favorable time for agriculture, caring for animals, especially cows, and any activities related to transport or production. Pushya supports commercial operations and trade, as well as personal spiritual development, meditation, and yoga. After 17:09, Nakshatra Ashlesha begins, associated with cunning, caution, and intuition. It is favorable for strict measures, work with poisons, legal suits, and metallurgical activities. Avoid new beginnings and good deeds.

4. Tithi Krishna Trayodashi (13th day of the waning Moon) until 01:11 (01.09)

Krishna Trayodashi symbolizes victory and promotes progress in military affairs, trade, and authority. This is an auspicious day for celebrations, purchases, and travel. Enjoy life and bring joy to yourself and those around you.

5. Karana Garija until 12:29, then Vanija

Karana Garija until 12:29 supports agricultural and construction activities. This is a good time for planting, building, and growing. After 12:29, Karana Vanija begins, which favors commercial activities and trade. It is a time for making deals, establishing new contacts, and business development.

Tips for the day:

Favorable actions: Use the first half of the day for agriculture and construction, and after 12:29, focus on commercial and trade matters. Summarize the results of the past week and direct your efforts towards family prosperity.

What to avoid: Avoid new beginnings in the second half of the day and be careful with words.

Recommendations: The day is favorable for spiritual growth, meditation, and yoga practices. Help others, especially the elderly, and spend time alone for self-reflection.

Have a great day!

Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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