Panchanga (horoscope for today) 09/04/2024


1. Yoga Sadhya until 17:31, then Shubha

Yoga Sadhya promotes achieving set goals and developing new relationships. This is a great time for networking, building friendships, and intellectual growth. After 17:31, Yoga Shubha begins, which is favorable for good deeds, seeking advice, and spiritual practices. This time is suitable for public speaking, preaching, and other public events.

2. Varana (Vara) Budhavara. Wednesday

Wednesday under the influence of Mercury (Budha) is favorable for trade, signing contracts, business negotiations, and learning. This day encourages communication, expanding your network, and developing intellectual skills. It’s recommended to engage in writing, launching advertising campaigns, and organizing festive events. It is important to avoid overstimulation, be sociable, and open to new ideas.

3. Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni

Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni symbolizes stability and long-term success. This is a favorable time for laying the foundation for new endeavors, planting, buying land, and starting construction. The Nakshatra is suitable for overcoming obstacles and starting new projects. Avoid traveling, as this period is not auspicious for journeys.

4. Tithi Shukla Pratipat until 07:16, then Dvitiiya (1st and 2nd days of the waxing Moon).

Shukla Pratipat is a day of joy and growth. It is an ideal time for planning the upcoming month, celebrating, and conducting religious ceremonies. After 07:16, Shukla Dvitiiya starts, which fosters wisdom and new beginnings, such as establishing altars and vows, decorating the home, and developing creative talents.

5. Karana Bava until 07:16, then Balava

Karana Bava is suitable for any new activities, especially physical exercises that will improve your health. After 07:16, Karana Balava begins, which is favorable for conducting auspicious rituals and ceremonies, as well as starting construction projects.

Advice for the Day:

Favorable Actions: Engage in long-term projects such as construction and learning, and develop your intellectual and creative abilities. Use the day to strengthen relationships and make new connections.

Things to Avoid: Avoid traveling, aggression, and lying. Do not close yourself off; remain open to new ideas and communication.

Recommendations: The day is favorable for setting up altars, laying foundations, and planning long-term projects. Develop your talents, maintain connections with wise individuals, and keep your promises.

Wishing everyone a great day!

Om Tat Sat.

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