Panchanga (horoscope for today) 07/17/2024

Forecast for the Day

The components of Panchanga are relatively positive, but it is not advisable to plan important material matters for this day. During Ekadashi, one should fast and focus on spiritual development. The Sun, which has moved into Cancer, is too weak to provide support. The Moon is in Scorpio, and although it is Anuradha, people’s psyches may still falter. Additionally, Vishti Karana, lasting throughout the day, may add some “spice”. Therefore, the best decision would be to fast, focus on spiritual development, re-evaluate, and seek solitude. Give yourself this day.


  1. Yoga Shukla
  2. Varana (Vara) Budhavara. Wednesday
  3. Nakshatra Anuradha
  4. Tithi Shukla Ekadashi (11th day of the waxing Moon) until 18:42. Then Dvadashi
  5. Karana Vanija until 06:24. Vishti from 06:24 to 18:32. Then Bava

Description of Panchanga Components

1. Yoga Shukla

Yoga Shukla (Shukla) is considered auspicious, meaning “bright” or “blessed”. It brings luck, well-being, and harmony. People may feel positive energy that contributes to success in endeavors, health, and overall well-being.

2. Varana (Vara) Budhavara. Wednesday

Wednesday (Budhavara) is governed by the planet Mercury. Mercury is associated with intellect, communication, and thinking. This day is favorable for intellectual tasks, learning, negotiations, and communication.

3. Nakshatra Anuradha

Anuradha (Anuradha) Nakshatra symbolizes success, growth, and prosperity. This Nakshatra is associated with achieving goals, perseverance, and patience. The energy of this Nakshatra helps overcome obstacles and achieve high results.

4. Tithi Shukla Ekadashi (11th day of the waxing Moon) until 18:42. Then Dvadashi

Shukla Ekadashi (Shukla Ekadashi) symbolizes spiritual practices and purification. This is an auspicious day for fasting, meditation, and other spiritual practices. After 18:42, Dvadashi begins, which encourages continuing spiritual practices and consolidating their results.

5. Karana Vanija until 06:24. Vishti from 06:24 to 18:32. Then Bava

Vanija Karana (Vanija Karana) is conducive to successful trade deals and financial transactions. Vishti Karana (Vishti Karana) helps in completing difficult tasks, and Bava Karana (Bava Karana) facilitates the harmonious conclusion of the day.

Have a great day!

Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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