Panchanga (horoscope for today) 07/14/2024

Since time is viewed as an abstract manifestation of the divine, understanding time can lead to receiving divine blessings. Thus, knowledge of Yoga helps heal from diseases; knowledge of Vara prolongs life; knowledge of Nakshatra helps get rid of sins; knowledge of Tithi promotes prosperity; knowledge of Karana ensures success in all endeavors. That is why we provide Panchang information daily.

  1. Yoga Siddha
  2. Varana (Vara) Ravivara. Sunday.
  3. Nakshatra Chitra until 19:36. Then Swati
  4. Tithi Krishna Ashtami (8th day of the waning Moon) until 12:35. Then Navami
  5. Karana Bava until 14:56. Then Balava

Astrological Forecast According to Panchang

Yoga Siddha

Yoga Siddha signifies an auspicious period for achieving goals and realizing plans. This is a day when the energies of the cosmos favor success in all endeavors. Use this time for important matters, project implementation, and decision-making. Meditations and spiritual practices will be highly effective.

Varana (Vara) Ravivara. Sunday

Sunday is ruled by the Sun, symbolizing energy, strength, and clarity. It is a day for rest, rejuvenation, and future planning. Spend time with family, engage in favorite activities, and enjoy nature. It is also a good time to start new projects and make important decisions.

Nakshatra Chitra until 19:36. Then Swati

  • Chitra Nakshatra: Chitra is associated with energy and determination. This period is favorable for physical activity, sports, and any tasks requiring strength and endurance. Use this time for active endeavors and tackling complex challenges.
  • Swati Nakshatra: Begins after 19:36. Swati brings the energy of independence, freedom, and self-reliance. It is a good time for making new decisions, starting new projects, and learning.

Tithi Krishna Ashtami (8th day of the waning Moon) until 12:35. Then Navami

  • Krishna Ashtami: This period is suitable for inner purification and letting go of the unnecessary. Good for engaging in spiritual practices, fasting, resting, and preparing for a new cycle.
  • Krishna Navami: Begins after 12:35 and is known as “empty hands.” This is a time when major endeavors and important decisions may be less successful. Avoid significant expenses and investments. Dedicate this period to analysis, planning, and rest.

Karana Bava until 14:56. Then Balava

  • Bava Karana: Bava promotes harmony in relationships and family matters. It is a favorable time for communicating with loved ones, strengthening relationships, and resolving conflicts. Until 14:56, it is also good for household chores and planning.
  • Balava Karana: Begins after 14:56. This period is suitable for inner development and spiritual practices. The energies of this time support focusing on meditation, self-improvement, and restoring inner balance.

This day offers a balance between creativity, relationship harmony, and inner development. Use the first half of the day for relationship harmony and planning, and the afternoon for spiritual practices and rest.

Have a good day!

Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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