Panchanga (horoscope for today) 07/13/2024

Since time is viewed as an abstract manifestation of the divine, understanding time can lead to divine blessings. Hence, knowledge of Yoga helps heal from diseases; knowledge of Vara extends lifespan; knowledge of Nakshatra helps rid of sins; knowledge of Tithi promotes prosperity; knowledge of Karana ensures success in all endeavors. That’s why we provide daily information according to Panchang.

  1. Yoga Shiva
  2. Varana (Vara) Shanivara. Saturday
  3. Nakshatra Hasta until 19:01. Then Chitra
  4. Tithi Krishna Saptami (7th lunar day of the waning Moon) until 12:35. Then Ashtami
  5. Karana Vanija until 12:35. Then Vishti

Astrological Forecast According to Panchang

Yoga Shiva

Yoga Shiva symbolizes an auspicious time for inner development and self-realization. This is an ideal period for meditation, spiritual practices, and seeking harmony within oneself. The energy of this day aids in relieving tension and cleansing from negative influences.

Varana (Vara) Shanivara. Saturday

Saturday is governed by the planet Saturn, which is associated with discipline, perseverance, and wisdom. It is a day for planning and carrying out important tasks that require patience and thoroughness. It is beneficial to engage in household chores, repairs, and completing ongoing projects.

Nakshatra Hasta until 19:01. Then Chitra

  • Hasta Nakshatra: Hasta is associated with skill and the ability to achieve results. This period is favorable for handicrafts, creativity, small repair works, and any activities requiring precision and dexterity.
  • Chitra Nakshatra: Chitra begins after 19:01. This Nakshatra brings inspiration, a creative approach, and an aesthetic sense. It is good to engage in artistic and design projects, decorating the home, and gardening.

Tithi Krishna Saptami (7th lunar day of the waning Moon) until 12:35. Then Ashtami

  • Krishna Saptami: This day sees a decrease in energetic flows. It is good for self-improvement, planning, and resolving longstanding issues. Avoid major expenses and significant decisions until 12:35.
  • Krishna Ashtami: Begins after 12:35. This period is suitable for inner cleansing and getting rid of unnecessary things. It is a good time for spiritual practices, fasting, resting, and preparing for a new cycle.

Karana Vanija until 12:35. Then Vishti

  • Vanija Karana: Vanija is favorable for business, trading deals, financial matters, and any commercial affairs. It is good to sign contracts, make purchases, and sales until 12:35.
  • Vishti Karana: Begins after 12:35. This is not a very favorable time for important matters but is good for getting rid of old things, cleaning spaces, discarding the unnecessary, and completing tasks.

This day offers a balance between productivity and inner peace. Use the first half of the day for practical tasks, and turn to spiritual practices and rest in the afternoon. Have a great day, everyone! Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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