Panchanga (horoscope for today) 09/15/2024


1. Yoga Antigandha until 12:42, followed by Sukarman

Yoga Antigandha indicates danger and unforeseen difficulties. During this time, it’s important to be cautious, avoid risky situations, and refrain from making major decisions. After 12:42, Yoga Sukarman begins, promoting good deeds, noble qualities, and creative activity. This is a great time for new beginnings, enthusiasm, and positive actions.

2. Varana (Vara) Ravivara. Sunday

Ravivara, a day governed by the Sun (Surya), is a time for self-improvement, spiritual practices, and energy renewal. It is a favorable day for visiting temples, meditation, and practicing yoga. Performing Surya Namaskar is recommended to recharge the body with energy. The day is also dedicated to the father, so it’s important to pay attention to him or remember him.

3. Nakshatra Shravana until 16:18, followed by Dhanishtha

Nakshatra Shravana until 16:18 is associated with gaining knowledge and learning. This is an auspicious time for acquiring spiritual and practical wisdom, studying sacred texts, and mentoring. After 16:18, Nakshatra Dhanishtha begins, promoting success in social spheres, communication, and project implementation. It’s a time for leadership and establishing new connections.

4. Tithi Shukla Dvadashi (12th Lunar Day of the Waxing Moon)

Shukla Dvadashi — a day of wisdom and order. This is a favorable period for completing tasks, achieving harmony, and balance. It’s good to engage in charity, make promises or vows. Avoid starting long-term endeavors and moving into new homes.

5. Karana Balava until 15:42, followed by Kaulava

Karana Balava until 15:42 is conducive to conducting rituals, ceremonies, and good deeds. This is a favorable time for construction work or other important projects. After 15:42, Karana Kaulava brings luck in establishing friendships and cooperation. It’s a great time for communication and social interaction.

Advice for the day:

Favorable actions: Use the day for spiritual practices, planning short-term projects, practicing yoga, and studying sacred texts. Dedicate time to restoring harmony and order, help your father, or remember him.

What to avoid: Avoid long-term endeavors, especially moving into new homes. Also, be cautious with making major decisions during the influence of Antigandha.

Recommendations: The day is favorable for self-improvement, spiritual practices, and establishing social connections. Pay attention to wise advice from elders or spiritual mentors.

Have a great day!

Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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