Panchanga (horoscope for today) 08/15/2024


1. Vyatipata Yoga until 12:27. Then Vishkambha.

The morning is associated with challenges and separations that may push you toward new beginnings or decisions. It is recommended to finalize matters requiring resolution or preparation for a new phase before 12:27. Be cautious in relationships and in making important decisions. Vishkambha Yoga starts after 12:27, bringing influences that help overcome obstacles and solve problems. This is a time for strengthening your position, tackling challenges, and achieving success through persistence.

2. Vara (Day) of Guruvāra. Thursday.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, knowledge, and prosperity. This is an auspicious time for learning, spiritual practices, planning long-term projects, and financial matters. The day is suitable for making agreements, engaging in charity, and helping others.

3. Nakshatra Jyeshtha until 10:22. Then Mula.

Nakshatra Jyeshtha until 10:22 supports self-assertion, determination, and leadership qualities. This period is ideal for achieving goals, overcoming difficulties, and making responsible decisions. Nakshatra Mula begins after 10:22, symbolizing deep roots and rebirth. This time is suitable for working on fundamentals, completing old tasks, and starting new projects that have profound meaning and a strong foundation.

4. Tithi Shukla Dashami (10th day of the waxing Moon) until 07:56. Then Ekadashi.

Until 07:56, the period of growth and development continues. This time is suitable for continuing and refining already started projects. Ekadashi begins after 07:56, signaling a period of spiritual purification and fasting. This is an auspicious time for spiritual practices, meditation, and abstaining from material pleasures.

5. Karana Gara until 07:56. Then Vanija.

Until 07:56, the period favors energetic actions and completing tasks requiring decisiveness and speed. Karana Vanija begins after 07:56, supporting trade, material gain, and practical actions. This is a time for making deals, financial transactions, and commercial activities.

Advice for the Day:

Favorable actions: The first half of the day is suitable for completing old tasks and preparing for new phases. After 12:27, focus on strengthening your position, overcoming challenges, and solving important tasks. Use Thursday’s energy for learning, planning, and financial matters.

What to avoid: Avoid excessive activity and risky actions before noon, when Vyatipata’s influence can bring challenges. Be cautious in making important decisions and relationships until transitioning into favorable yoga.

Recommendations: The day is suitable for completing old tasks and planning for the future. Focus on strengthening your position and overcoming current challenges.

Have a great day!

Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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