Panchanga (horoscope for today) 08/09/2024


1. Yoga: Siddha until 11:13, followed by Sadhya.

Siddha: A period favorable for success, especially in undertakings that require completion or task execution.
Sadhya: A yoga that supports overcoming obstacles and achieving results through perseverance.

2. Vara (Day of the Week): Shukravara (Friday).

Planet: Friday is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and beauty. It is an auspicious day for romantic relationships, creativity, and enjoying life.

3. Nakshatra: Hasta.

Hasta: A nakshatra symbolizing skill and expertise. It is favorable for activities requiring precision and attention to detail.

4. Tithi: Shukla Panchami (5th day of the waxing moon).

Panchami: A time for expansion, growth, and learning new things. It is auspicious for active pursuits and the initiation of new projects.

5. Karana: Bava until 11:25, then Balava begins.

Bava: Favorable for partnerships and collaborative efforts.
Balava: Supports teamwork and collective endeavors.

Advice for the Day

  • Favorable Actions: Developing new ideas, creativity, skill, teamwork, and romantic relationships.
  • Avoid: Starting important ventures after 11:13 without careful planning.
  • Recommendations: Use the first half of the day for completing important tasks, and after 11:25, focus on teamwork and collaborative projects. The day is favorable for romantic meetings and creative pursuits.

This day is filled with energy for success, developing new ideas, and enjoying life. Use it to harmonize relationships and achieve your goals.

Have a great day!
Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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