Panchanga (horoscope for today) 08/01/2024


  1. Yoga: Vyaghata until 10:18. Then Harshana.
  2. Varana (Vara): Guruvara. Thursday.
  3. Nakshatra: Mrigashira until 07:53. Then Ardra.
  4. Tithi: Krishna Dwadashi (12th day of the waning moon) until 12:59. Then Trayodashi.
  5. Karana: Taitila until 12:59. Then Gara.

Yoga Vyaghata until 10:18, then Harshana

Yoga Vyaghata promotes decisive actions and helps overcome obstacles. This is a favorable period for solving complex tasks and active work. After 10:18, Yoga Harshana begins, symbolizing joy and happiness. This is a good time for social events, communication, and making new connections.

Varana (Vara) Guruvara. Thursday

Thursday, under the influence of Jupiter, promotes the expansion of knowledge, spiritual growth, and philosophical reflection. This is a day for learning, contemplation, and spiritual practices. It is also worth focusing on planning and developing long-term projects.

Nakshatra Mrigashira until 07:53, then Ardra

Nakshatra Mrigashira brings energy for research, travel, and new discoveries. After 07:53, when the Moon moves into Nakshatra Ardra, it is time to address emotional issues and deep self-analysis. Ardra promotes transformation and cleansing.

Tithi Krishna Dwadashi (12th day of the waning moon) until 12:59, then Trayodashi

Krishna Dwadashi is favorable for inner work, cleansing, and raising spiritual consciousness. This is a time for reflection and planning. After 12:59, Trayodashi begins, promoting physical activity, material well-being, and resolving financial matters.

Karana Taitila until 12:59, then Gara

Karana Taitila promotes the start of new activities and active work. This is a favorable time for important beginnings and projects. After this time, Karana Gara begins, which supports teamwork and partnerships. This is a good period for cooperation and interaction with others.

Advice for the Day

  • Favorable actions: Social events, learning, planning long-term projects, self-analysis, new beginnings, cooperation.
  • What to avoid: Impulsive decisions, important beginnings before 10:18.
  • Recommendations: Use the first half of the day for decisive actions and activity, after 10:18 focus on social events, learning, and spiritual practices.

This day is filled with energy for new beginnings, learning, and spiritual development. Use it to achieve your goals and harmonize your life.

Harshana Yoga is considered one of the most auspicious yogas in Vedic astrology. It is a period that brings joy, success, and prosperity to all aspects of life. This yoga bestows favorable energy for social activities, interactions with others, and initiating new projects and ventures. People born under this yoga are typically optimistic, joyful, and successful in their endeavors.

Have a great day!

Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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