Panchanga (horoscope for today) 07/26/2024


  1. Yoga: Sukarman.
  2. Varana (Vara): Shukravara (Friday).
  3. Nakshatra: Uttara Bhadrapada until 12:00. Then Revati.
  4. Tithi: Krishna Shashthi (6th day of the waning moon).
  5. Karana: Gara until 10:12. Then Vanija.

Daily Forecast

Yoga Sukarman

Yoga Sukarman promotes prosperity, well-being, and success in new ventures. It is a time when you can undertake new projects or resolve complex issues with a positive outcome.

Varana (Vara) Shukravara (Friday)

Friday is influenced by the planet Venus. It is a day favorable for romantic dates, creative pursuits, enjoying arts and beauty. It is recommended to engage in self-improvement, attend cultural events, or enjoy peaceful relaxation.

Nakshatra Uttara Bhadrapada until 12:00, then Revati

Uttara Bhadrapada promotes spiritual growth and life reassessment. It is a time for meditation, self-reflection, and resolving inner conflicts. After 12:00, when Nakshatra transitions to Revati, there will be more opportunities to complete ongoing tasks and show compassion.

Tithi Krishna Shashthi (6th day of the waning moon)

Shashthi symbolizes a time for purification and renewal. It is an auspicious day to release negative energies, make important decisions, and start new phases in life.

Karana Gara until 10:12, then Vanija

Gara supports decisiveness and actions, while Vanija is favorable for commercial activities, trade, and financial operations. The beginning of the day is suitable for active pursuits and important initiatives, and after 10:12, you can focus on financial matters and business.

Daily Tips

  • Favorable Actions: Meditation, self-improvement, commercial activities, romantic meetings.
  • What to Avoid: Negative thoughts and emotions, high financial risks.
  • Recommendations: Listen to your intuitive feelings and make decisions based on inner knowledge. Use this day to harmonize your life and address important issues.

Bonus information for those who read carefully to the very end! Due to the special combination of the interaction of the Sun in Cancer + the 6th Lunar day, today is a “burned” lunar day. A day when it is absolutely not worth starting anything. Continue self-discovery and self-improvement.

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