Panchanga (horoscope for today) 08/20/2024

Panchanga for August 20, 2024

1. Atigandha Yoga

Atigandha Yoga is a phase that brings challenging and intense energy. This period may introduce tension and obstacles, but it also provides opportunities to develop inner strength and resilience. It is important to remain cautious in your actions and avoid risky situations. Treat this day as an opportunity for growth through overcoming challenges and trials.

2. Varana (Vara) Mangalavara – Tuesday

Tuesday is influenced by Mars, which enhances the energy and activity of the day. This is a great time for physical activity, decisive actions, and achieving set goals. However, it is important to control impulsiveness and aggression that may arise under Mars’ influence. Use this energy to advance your projects and overcome difficulties.

3. Nakshatra Shatabhisha

Nakshatra Shatabhisha is known for bringing secrets and mysteries. This is a favorable time for self-reflection, analyzing past experiences, and seeking truth. This Nakshatra also supports healing and recovery. Use this time for inner exploration and spiritual practices, as well as for solving complex issues that require deep contemplation.

4. Tithi Krishna Pratipat (1st Day of the Waning Moon)

Krishna Pratipat marks the beginning of the waning Moon, which is a favorable time for cleansing, letting go of unnecessary things, and summing up. This is a period to focus on finishing old tasks and preparing for new beginnings. Use this time for inner purification, letting go of negative emotions, and preparing for a new phase of life.

5. Karana Balava until 07:45, then Kaulava until 18:02, followed by Taitila

Karana Balava until 07:45 is favorable for positive beginnings and active endeavors. This is the time to focus on new projects and proactive actions. After 07:45, Karana Kaulava enhances the energy of cooperation and partnerships. This is a favorable time for teamwork and building business connections. After 18:02, Karana Taitila brings stability and supports the completion of ongoing tasks.

Advice for the Day:

Favorable Actions: Use Mars’ energy for activity, decisive actions, and overcoming challenges. Atigandha Yoga and Nakshatra Shatabhisha support self-reflection and spiritual growth. Focus on inner purification and preparing for new beginnings.

What to Avoid: Avoid impulsive actions and risky situations, especially in the first half of the day. Be cautious with emotions that may influence your decisions.

Recommendations: Use this day for spiritual practices, meditation, and harmonizing your inner world. Pay attention to internal signals and guidance that may help you make important decisions.

Have a great day!

Aoum Tat Sat.

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