Panchanga (horoscope for today) 07/16/2024

Daily Forecast

Today’s Panchanga combines various auspicious influences, creating a powerful day for achieving both professional and personal goals. Yoga Shubha enhances positive energy that helps in all endeavors. The influence of Mars on Tuesday adds determination and energy, making this day ideal for solving important tasks.

Nakshatra Vishakha provides an additional boost for success, helping to overcome obstacles and achieve high results. Shukla Dashami until 16:49 promotes success in business and financial matters, and after 16:49, Ekadashi stimulates spiritual practices and purification.

Karana Gara until 18:03 supports physical activity and the completion of complex tasks, and after 18:03, Vanija Karana contributes to successful trade deals and financial operations.

Therefore, this day is ideal for achieving significant results in various areas of life, thanks to the harmonious combination of spiritual and material aspects.


  1. Yoga Shubha
  2. Varana (Vara) Mangalavara. Tuesday
  3. Nakshatra Vishakha
  4. Tithi Shukla Dashami (10th day of the waxing Moon) until 16:49. Then Ekadashi
  5. Karana Gara until 18:03. Then Vanija

Description of Panchanga Components

    1. Yoga Shubha

    Yoga Shubha (Shubha) is considered auspicious, meaning “good” or “favorable.” It brings luck, well-being, and harmony. People may feel positive energy that promotes success in endeavors, health, and overall well-being.

    2. Varana (Vara) Mangalavara. Tuesday

    Tuesday (Mangalavara) is ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is associated with energy, strength, determination, and aggression. This day is favorable for tackling difficult tasks, starting new projects that require determination and courage, as well as physical activities.

    3. Nakshatra Vishakha

    Vishakha (Vishakha) nakshatra symbolizes success, growth, and prosperity. This nakshatra is associated with achieving goals, persistence, and patience. The energy of this nakshatra helps to overcome obstacles and achieve high results.

    4. Tithi Shukla Dashami (10th day of the waxing Moon) until 16:49. Then Ekadashi

    Shukla Dashami (Shukla Dashami) symbolizes success and achievement, especially in professional matters. This is an auspicious day for business, financial transactions, and important meetings. After 16:49, Ekadashi begins, which promotes spiritual practices, fasting, and purification of the body and mind.

    5. Karana Gara until 18:03. Then Vanija

    Gara Karana (Gara Karana) promotes the successful completion of difficult tasks, physical activities, and health strengthening. After 18:03, Vanija Karana (Vanija Karana) begins, which is favorable for business, trade, and making deals.

    Have a great day!

    Aoum. Tat. Sat.

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