Did you know that the name of a person is also found in the same combinations of planets and Budinkov? Everything is shown in the natal chart.
The planets of the first house are given for the figure. What do you have:
- high stature, mitzna strong structure of the body, light or ruddy hair color, which means that the sun is the first budinok;
- graceful vitrified figure, stringiness, visibly embossed with Venus’s beauty;
- skinny, pale-looking, high-growth, you change under Saturn’s cherubs;
- povna status, vantage, їх bestowed by Jupiter;
- low height, grace and forever youthful looking – this is the result of the injection of Mercury;
- athletic athletic figure, which її ensures Mars;
- light shkir, low growth, softness, already, the first house rules the Moon.
The planets of another booth are given as a person. What do you have:
- lastovinnya, yaskrava zovnіshnіst, vіdkrita chuckle – tse vpliv Sontsya;
- garne, troch nezgrabne, face – tse injection of Mars;
- round shape and clear eyes – tse infusion Month;
- a young person with indistinct rice and thin lips – tse injection of Mercury;
- a round person, how can I smile – tse injection of Jupiter;
- correctly proportioned appearance, big eyes and puffy lips – tse infusion of Venery;
- the presence of the forks, the serious look gives the people of Saturn.